Review of Close

Close (I) (2022)
A story that needs to be told (but I kinda wish I haven't seen it)
10 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The story was simple and tragic: the breakup of a beautiful friendship due to toxic masculinity and homophobia. It's a story like this that reminds us of how much work we still have to do to make sure this world is a place where everyone can get to be truly themselves.

The movie is beautifully shot, with great acting. However, the main plot twist felt somewhat sudden and staged, and it's kind of off-paced at some parts. But that's not the reason that I wish I hadn't seen this one.

Out of all the characters, the one that I'm related to the most was Remi's mom. It just tore me apart once I started to think about what's happened from her point of view.

You never would expect your 12 year old (ish) son would kill himself all of a sudden, just like you never would expect that his best friend, the boy who you treated as your own son, would be the one who broke his heart.

But what can you do? They are only kids, they didn't know better, and deep down you knew that this is not really anyone's fault. You are the adult, even though you're hurting like hell inside, you're supposed to be the one who keeps it together and make the rational decisions, otherwise you're going to hurt another innocent little boy. In the end, all you could do was just leaving this place that brings you so many memories and trying to move on with your life, because there is just no other way.

See? I really wish I hadn't seen this movie but I did. I guess I'll just have to continue to be adult and move on with my life, just like Remi's mom.
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