A Sincere Presentation
11 August 2022
Textbook heist feature minus the showboating!

Yeah, that's how I would like to sum up this film in a single sentence. Unlike its contemporaries, particularly the money-spinning ones coming from Hollywood; it lacks a certain flamboyancy while keeping the inherent soul & spirit of a heist movie untouched!

While it is devoid of action, explosions, or any topflight chase sequences; what it does have though is a smooth-going screenplay that not for a single moment deviates from the main course of the narrative. The story is based on a real-life bank robbery, thus, they had no other choice but to stay true to the core subject!

Even though there were hardly any scopes given to take creative liberties, I wish they had done so, especially regarding inter-character dynamics! For instance, the father-daughter relationship between Mario & Su would have had much more significance had they built it up appropriately, which they didn't!

The same observation goes for the rest of the cast as well! None of the characters on board seemed to have any depth, any intricacies, let alone an authoritative presence! And that is indeed my biggest gripe from it.
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