Sh - this is a very noisy film
17 August 2022
The film is set in a lighthouse where various characters congregate on a stormy night, including a comedy detective duo of Allen Jenkins (Dempsey) and Hugh Herbert (Kelly). These two characters are instrumental in ruining the film. They indulge in slapstick comedy incorporating pratfalls and the like and I'm sorry to say that the lack of entertainment doesn't stop there. Allen Jenkins, in particular, shouts all his lines and is just unpleasant - kind of like the obnoxious horrible one in Abbott & Costello, only not so street smart as he plays a dumb-ass. Herbert also plays a fool and litters his performance with his cries of "woo hoo". These two are so irritating! Herbert definitely reminded me of the fat one in Abbott & Costello. Add a loud screaming lady into the mix - I mean constantly screaming - and the film is just a discordant racket!

The film's story is different and I didn't mind it especially at the end where the film goes off the scale and provides a twist ending. Is everyone who they say they are? Absolutely not. And what about that genuinely scary transformation - straight out of a horror movie. It will stay with you. So, the film scores marks for this alone. And there is an octopus on the premises as well. I like to eat octopus but this one is not at all palatable.
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