The Swarm (2020)
Silly ending
19 August 2022

French film so don't expect big budget Hollywood explosions, just a slow to start, slow middle and a confusing end to this locust slightly horror flick.

Follow an obsessed mother trying to provide for her children by breeding locusts and selling them to restaurants, yes you read it correctly.

I honestly don't know if the French do eat them and I honestly don't want to know.

The locusts get a taste for blood and start growing biggest and breeding more, so how does the mother provide the blood they need?

No, she buys it!

As I said not your usual Hollywood outing which would have had the mother kill people to feed the locusts.

Silly ending which I won't even touch on, but just made me shake my head.

Watchible just if nothing better is on

Rating 4 out of 10.
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