Free Guy (2021)
Popcorn film enjoy without having to think
19 August 2022

Interesting this film was written by the same guy who wrote the screenplay adaptation of Ready Player One, why am I saying this upfront? Because both were interesting and original but both these films suffered from the same problem, not very exciting ending for what had happened previously in the film.

Please don't get me wrong Free Guy is not a bad film at all and I enjoyed it very much but........

You follow Guy a none playable character in a video game as he starts to develop an artificial intelligence which helps him break free of the daily being killed off by the games players, helping one of the original programmers to discover their hidden code and helping Guy and his friends to.........

As ever Ryan Reynolds puts his own spin on the film with the appearance of a Deadpool poster but of course with Disney taking over other studies I especially loved where Guy is fighting Dude and the appearance of......

Definitely a popcorn film, go enjoy the explosions but don't expect to much from the ending.

Rating 7 out of 10.
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