Anti hero better than the first
19 August 2022

I saw the first one of these way back in 2016 I think so watched this sequel as if I hadn't seen the first because I'd simply forgotten about it.

So to start, the film starts very strangely with the blind villain finding a young girl on the street, no explanation then jumps forward a number of years, as the film goes on you do eventually figure out what is going on but then again you don't.

Ok how to explain and not give anything away.

People are being kidnapped and found dead with body organs missing, heart, lungs ETC. So you assume that this will come into play as a strange group of people target the blind villain and the girl he found in the street earlier in the film, but.....and a big but......

After watching this I went back and watch the first one again and I am glad to say that the film makers didn't just revamp the same story from the first film, in fact by the end of this film I basically considered the blind guy to be an anti hero compared to the first film. Great story, definitely keeps you hooked especially with the reveal of why both the young girl and the blind man have been targeted.

Thoroughly enjoyed this film and better all around compared to the first one.

Rating 9 out of 10.
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