The Batman (2022)
26 August 2022
The Batman was a pretty good movie, though it certainly has some problems, let's start with the good though. The movie has a beautifully bleak and gritty noir-esque atmosphere, heightened by a great soundtrack. The movie also deserves props for turning The Riddler from one of the most goofball Batman villains into a truly disturbing psychopath, Paul Dano does an amazing job. And finally, though I had some serious doubts beforehand, Robert Pattinson makes an absolutely superb Batman. Now for the not so great. Pacing, pacing, pacing! Something this movie lacks. The nearly three hour runtime overstays its welcome, this is no Godfather, and it shows. The plot needed some serious tightening, at times it felt a little all over the place and without purpose. And some moments felt either a little forced or a little cliché, chief among them the "privileged white men" quote. And lastly, the relationship between the Batman and Seline seemed to be a little underdeveloped for how often it cropped up in key moments.
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