Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus
28 August 2022
Was a book that was written back in the 90's about relationships & the problems encountered by men & women. It was often used as source material by a girlfriend that I had dated at the time. This movie reminds me of that book.

Boy meets girl, boy falls for girl & he manages to win her heart. But boy looses girl & to win her back, a sailing adventure is devised to explore the world. What could go wrong on a romantic cruise for 2 at the mercy of the sea? Of course things don't go to plan & both are miserable together with no where to hide from each other on the small boat.

Firstly I read some of the reviews before going into this & the reviews were extremely polarized. There were only 2 positive reviews with everyone else slagging it. After watching the movie, I'm not sure everyone saw the same movie as I did.

First off I can definitely say that I enjoyed this movie. There is a good amount of backstory done through flashbacks. Ed Harris plays the domineering, misogynist father whose larger than life persona is seen in flashbacks & his effect on his son's present relationship. We see this relationship from a He said, She said point of view that was done quite well . I enjoyed the pacing & each scene held my attention.

So does a book about relationships in the 90's have any relevance today? Well the issues that people face today haven't really changed much. Are women still viewed as the weaker sex? Because that is how she is viewed by him.

When on the island, he assumes that she must be hungry with supplies running low. So he tries to catch fish to woo her back but he fails in his execution. And unlike Survivor, there is no immunity necklace to stave off elimination. It was funny when he shows up with some sardines & she's eating lobster. So Are Men from Mars & Women from Venus? The director would like you to believe so, & really there is nothing wrong with that.

If you enjoy movies like One Week, Copenhagen, or Pieces of April for example...then give this a shot. Its worth a watch.
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