Nearest and Dearest (1968–1973)
A classic British comedy.
3 September 2022
When Joshua Pledge dies, he leaves his pickling factory, Pledge's Pickles to his daughter Nellie, and his son Eli, to make ends meet, the pair must live together.

It's such a fun, watchable series, there are some really funny episodes, and some classic moments throughout, the quality is consistent from start to finish.

Bottoms up, A pair of bloomers, and the very first episodes are my favourites, each of them are incredibly funny.

For me, it's made by Hylda Baker, and her wonderful Nellie-isms, her destruction of The English language is a thing of beauty, the way she mixes up words, is the highlight for me.

I was quite surprised to see that Baker and Jewell didn't get on with one another, I find that quite sad, you'd never be able to see that from their acting, they seemed to share a bit of chemistry.

Worth watching for Lily and Walter alone, the pair are incredibly funny, his facial expressions are a scream, and the jokes about whether he'd been or not never failed to make me chuckle. You wait seven series to see if Malin gets a line.

I look forward to seeing not on your Nellie, I've heard that's along the same lines.

Classic comedy, 8/10.
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