Ill fitting match
5 September 2022
My Christmas film viewings over-time have been a very mixed bag. With some surprisingly good hits, where regardless of how predictable they are succeed in being full of charm, warmth and heart so succeeding in being light-hearted and undemanding fun. But also some quite big misses, where the characters are not likeable, everything is forced and shallow with implausibility too in some of the worst cases, the acting and writing being weak and basically with just nothing to them.

Personally have seen worse Christmas films overall than 'A Match Made at Christmas'. When it comes to Christmas films made in 2021, which was a very mixed bag (some surprisingly good, some average to decent and some average or less), 'A Match Made at Christmas' is one of the worst. The premise was a quite nice one, despite not being exceptional, but one major thing brought it down significantly and made it impossible to enjoy as it affected many other aspects as well.

'A Match Made at Christmas' has good things. Micah Lynn Hanson is charming in the female lead role, she looks comfortable and never overacts or undersells.

The production values are also quite nice, especially the scenery.

Sadly, they are not quite enough to salvage the film from being a complete mess everywhere else. What dooms 'A Match Made at Christmas' is as others have said the excessive unlikability of the male lead character. Overdone character flaws are a major pet peeve, especially if the character in question is meant to be likeable or/and rootable later on, and have not seen arrogance and disrespect this blatant in a long time. Tim Llewellyn is very wooden in the role. It is true that there are plenty of flawed people out there and that they do change and grow, but the flaws here are so overdone and any change or growth felt rushed and underdeveloped. Didn't detect any real chemistry between Hanson and Llewellyn, where it looked under-rehearsed or like they didn't like each other much, and their relationship is underdeveloped.

Character development is pretty limited in quantity and quality and the supporting cast look lost and at best forgettable in underwritten stock roles. The story is rather flimsy and it drags a lot, due to finding Llewellyn's character so mean spirited any charm or heart was very difficult to detect. What there is of the story is very little different to what has been seen before many times and better, while the final quarter is too pat and contrived. The script is stilted and can be very corny and too often mundane, also found it over serious.

Overall, pretty weak. 3/10.
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