Feels like the work of a first time director
6 September 2022
I kept remembering a scene from Honest Trailers' review of Avatar: "scenes that aren't properly lit". I'm not sure if the director was going for a natural look, like when the lead sings in her son's bedroom as he sleeps and keeping her face/the whole scene dark, or how you can still her the cupboards closing and the cutlery rattling when they sing in the kitchen.

It's not much of a musical when you can't her people sing, which happens frequently as the music overpowers the actors' voices, as well as other background noise.

The movie feels so amateurish, it's hard on the eyes at points. Some scene transitions, feel like they're out of a PowerPoint presentation, the lighting is wrong throughout and the songs feel shoe horned in. Not to mention it's quite clear they didn't sing live and you can tell they're clearly lip-syncing on a lot of songs.

I wonder how they got Joan Collins to be in it for 2 minutes and not even sing? Such a wasted opportunity, I think sums up her appearance, and the rest of the film.
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