Barbarian (2022)
Intense, riveting ... yet dumb.
16 September 2022
No, they are not mutually exclusive.

First of all, props to the creators of this intensely riveting film for keeping us GLUED to the edge of our seats, in suspense, during the slow burn of a beginning, DESPITE thinking we knew what was going to happen.

Read that again.

In simple terms, even if this film had gone exactly the way we thought it would, the build-up to what we expected to happen, was masterfully handled.

Beyond that, the film declines in intensity during the second half, and expects more from the viewer in order to keep its believability factor.

I meant to add so much more, but I keep giving away too much and have to go back and delete it. I DETEST spoilers (unless I specifically ask for them) and those who think they actually gain something by revealing anything more than what is necessary. As such and as it is almost impossible to fully discuss the film without some reveals (and I possess tact enough not to spoil it for others), I will simply add that although there ARE a couple of "dumb" horror-film trope moments as in 'why did he/she do that' or 'why didn't he/she do that', they are in no way lastingly detrimental to the film. It is quite good, in that it quickly reels you back in and you all but forget about them - at least for the duration.

... It is also quite bad in the sense that it is off-the-wall bonkers.

It does gift viewers with a couple of funny/humorous moments, but they neither make or break the film.

In short, You will really like it, or you will hate it. Either way, see it before someone with less courtesy spoils it for you.

(The casting of Alexander Skarsgard was genius).

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