Beach Red (1967)
Average WW2 Flick with Bloody Effects - Beach Red
17 September 2022
I like Cornell Wilde; especially for the work he did in The Naked Prey. However, this film suffers from a few maladies that put it strictly in the average category. First of all, it did not have the feel of the time period. If felt more like a sixties film (when the film was made). With psychedelic flashbacks reminiscent of a bad acid trip, it did not really evoke the sensibilities of the time period. The special effects scenes are very good, especially the one on the beach landing. However this one scene could not rescue the entire film. I did like the view from the Japanese perspective (the film was bankrolled by the Japanese), which was usually absent from most WW 2 films (with the exception of Clint Eastwood's Letters From Iwo Jima, made many years later. An interesting film to watch if you have nothing else to view.
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