Julie Darling (1982)
When One Mother Dies, Another Arrives - But Has She Counted On Julie And Her Oedipal Love?
23 September 2022
Greetings And Salutations, and welcome to my review of Julie Darling; here's the breakdown of my ratings:

Story: 1.25 Direction: 1.25 Pace: 1.25 Acting: 1.50 Enjoyment: 1.50

TOTAL: 6.75 out of 10.00.

I'd say that Julie Darling is as close as Hollywood gets to the Italian Giallo thrillers. And that comes down to the incestuous storyline and the multiple twists and cunningness. Sadly, it doesn't feel as callow as the European films. And, it's this more polished approach that hinders the film slightly.

The writers, Paul Nicholas (who also directed) and Maurice Smith, skip merrily down the oedipal love path in this dark thriller. Julie is a cute sixteen-year-old with a screw or two loose. Like most teenagers, she has a crush. But it's not on the star quarterback or her English teacher, but on dear old daddy. As we observe them taking breakfast together, it becomes evident that the women are both vying for the man-of-the-house's attention. Furthermore, it's clear Julie's been pressing her mother's buttons. Ma is wired and verging on the brink of a nervous breakdown. She's attributed her mental state to Julie and is considering sending her daughter away to school. Of course, Julie is unimpressed with the idea and decides to behave and wait. Luck tends to favour the patient. And it does. The local delivery boy has taken a shine to her mother after he rids her of Julie's snake. He's not the type of man that takes no for an answer. Besides, she owes him. Julie hears her mother screaming for help and quickly grabs her hunting rifle. And though she has the kill shot on the assailing carnal courier, she doesn't squeeze the trigger. She waits. The man kills mom before he can get frisky and runs out of the house and out of the city. But for Julie, that's okay because he's gone, her mother's gone, she won't be sent away to school, and now she can set her mind solely to looking after daddy. But daddy has had a straying libido, and before one mother is cold in the grave, another is sitting at the table. And this supplemental spouse comes with a son. Now her plans have been scuppered, what is she to do? She waits - luck favours the patient. The one and only drawback to the story is dear old daddy. Nicholas and Smith write within him a naivety that is cringeworthily unbelievable. How he can't see his daughter's twisted affection as unnatural, beggar's belief. And when he lets her sleep with him after her mother's murder, it's mind-boggling. I know she's witnessed a brutal killing, but still, she's sixteen and your daughter. But apart from these little indiscretions in his character, the other characterisations are decent. Julie is an intriguing individual. On the surface, she's mild and sweet. However, under the surface, she's cunning, devious, and entertained by her dark machinations. And when mommy wannabe comes along, she finds a nemesis who may be as clever as she. There's a delightful chess scene between the pair where they're feeling each other out: Trying to comprehend each other better. And you realise, from this moment on, they're not only playing chess on the game board. Another bonus for the audience is the progression of the story. It's logical, devious, and cold-blooded. All the things a good thriller should be.

Because he possessed a marvellous story, Nicholas didn't have to go overboard with the camerawork. However, he still throws in some agreeable and engaging camera angles and light work to boost the picture's atmosphere at the correct times. Nicholas also didn't have to vary the tempo of the piece. He merely utilised every moment the brisk pace gave him. And, it works a treat to keep the viewers entertained and watching the screen.

As do the cast, for they are brilliant in their portrayals. I even have to give Sybil Danning a round of applause. In most movies I've watched with Danning starring, I can easily state they didn't hire her for her acting talent but for the other two prominent assets she purchased - Check out Howling II. But in Julie Darling, not only does she lose her clothes once again, but she acts, and acts well. In fact, I cannot believe I'm saying this, but she's the best actress in this movie - don't let that put you off because it's a solid performance, one of which to be proud. All the other cast members give a similar degree in their portrayals, adding to the film's sleekness.

I would happily recommend Julie Darling for a winter's evening watch. Cuddle up with your loved one next to a fire with a glass of your favourite tipple, and enjoy. Just make sure your daughter's not in the same room - uncomfortable.

Now we've saved your new brother from that locked freezer, let's take a gander at the IMDb list - Killer Thriller Chillers and see where he rated Julie Darling.

Take Care & Stay Well.
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