Endless mistakes in this movie's script !
30 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Before anything, just read this little piece of history: "There was a fan backlash to the negative reviews of The Dark Knight Rises. Some fans had threatened violence against critics, while others threatened to take down websites of movie critics"!!!!! As you see, this is not love, this is frank imbecility!

Nearly everything is wrong in this movie's script, to the extent that the movie became one big mistake. Ahh, where do I begin?!

The coincidences are more than the explosions in a Michael Bay movie: Why Commissioner Gordon goes to the sewers in the same time where he was chasing the congressman's kidnappers? I'll tell you, to accidentally meet Bane there! Why - at that moment - Gordon is still having the speech which he refused to read in Harvey Dent's memorial ceremony a day ago?! Sure he went home after the ceremony, dined, slept, then went to work in the next day, with another jacket I presume, so why it's still in his pocket?! I'll tell you, so Bane could read it, and know that Batman sacrificed his reputation for guaranteeing an ethical icon for the city. How come that Bruce Wayne, in his first time to get out in 8 years, runs into Catwoman who robbed him a while ago?! Obvious coincidences, obvious laziness!

How Wayne jumped off the doctor's window while his health was deteriorating? Supposedly he would be good after that magical electronic remedy which Alfred would bring him later, so if the script had an atom of brain, then it would have been: 1) Alfred's remedy, 2) That jump! Why Alfred dispersed that simple? It was too forced to hateful degree. How come that John Blake, or Robin, was the only one on planet earth who could discover that Wayne was Batman (because he has a look in his eyes?!!!).

Why Catwoman acts in one moment as a bisexual? What was the dramatic benefit of that?! To tell you the truth, the movie - as a whole - tries desperately to make the nonsense so seriously, and so badly as well; as if it remakes a Donald Duck short as a philosophical, psychological, artistic film, and the result is laughable stupidity in the end!

How could Batman know Catwoman's whereabouts when she was attacking the guy who had the key to erase criminal history? And why he fights that guy with her relentlessly?! As one of the IMDb's reviewers said; the pulsing music, which is on for all the time, tries to generate persuasion more than that script!

The scene in which all the city's cops goes under the ground is so impossible it's farcical, and rare to happen even in the worst movies! Why Bane keeps all the cops in good health, supplying them with daily eating and drinking, while killing them is an excellent way to smash Gotham's spirit as he wants?!

How come that the American army is that goofy, preventing the innocent people of Gotham from getting out of the city while the bomb is about to explode?! They even blow up the only bridge which connects the city with the rest of America, killing those who wanted to escape, and - on their top - the orphaned kids! Their logic was: if we opened the bridge, Bane will explode the city, and kill the people. I can't believe how mythical the size of this movie's dumbness is!

Bane planted a bomb in the city, yet he left it for months without using?! Wayne is jailed in some prison in Asia that has no guards, and contains an opened way to escape?! After his escaping, Wayne went to America, without money or passport?! And how could he enter Gotham while every bridge that connects it to world was damaged?! Sure with forgetting logic, continually like this, the dark serious movie that they intended turns into unfunny joke!

Why did Ra's al Ghul hate Gotham that bad?! How come that Marion Cotillard is his daughter (who Wayne idiotically trusted)? And why she didn't kill Wayne since the start, especially while she was close to him, rather has him unarmed in his empty palace at one night?!

What was the need for the Peter Foley character (played by Matthew Modine)? I thought that he was the one who had the bomb's detonator, but it turns out to be that he's some coward cop who gets brave at the end.. so what was that about?! Bane, the dangerous evil man, brutal guerrilla terrorist, gets defeated so easily eventually! He even didn't explode the city, as if he was waiting for Batman to recover from his back pains, get back from Asia, and does what he has to do.. Ok, what a drivel!

How did Batman survive at the end? How come that he moves freely later, with no disguise whatsoever, while he's presumed dead? Why he has a romantic relationship with Catwoman? OH MY GOD, there isn't a thing that makes sense in that foolish, pretentious and vain world. Btw, did you see the way Batman dragged the nuclear bomb on the ground? This moment makes me laugh like a drain!

While the fire doesn't need more fuel, the way most of the characters know the information is ambiguous, Bane's voice wasn't clear, Batman's voice - in all of this trilogy's films - is annoying and ludicrous, and the action didn't pay off for all of the faulty time!

And despite all of that, this movie was a hit, winning a billion dollars (could be the worst successful movie of all time!), plus a large number of fans that consider it no less than great, analyzing its so-called intellectual agenda, with different deep interpretations (here where laughing gets crazy!). Well, this is sick. They have turned a blind eye to the endless mistakes. But I think in later, more rational viewing, they'll see how this movie wasn't only daft; they were daft to love it too!

Finally, how did Christopher Nolan make an awful movie like this? I believe he was hasty, or in love with whatever he wrote. However, the most pressing question is: how does an awful movie, any awful movie, succeed?! Actually when The Dark Knight Rises became one of the highest-grossing films in history, named one of the top 10 films of 2012 by the American Film Institute, and considered critically one of the best superhero films of all time, rather one of the best films ever made--you have to get really sad, due to the shocking fact that you're ruled by imbecility, and this is - my friends - where any awful movie can succeed.
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