MULHOLAND DRIVE was really created in 1940?!??
5 October 2022
I was not expecting this. I just saw this short movie which I had no idea it existed. It was part of the extras in the fantastic Errol Flynn , Sea Hawke, I have no idea why and I was totally blown away by Alice in Movieland.

This is actually MULHOLAND DRIVE but made in 1940 !!!

David Lynch must have seen this one for sure because his Mulholand Drive movie is this Alice in Movieland movie in style and soul. Not only the structure is the same when it comes to the starlet story/dream of becoming an Hollywood star but even the pacing and the editing is exactly done in the same style and even uses the same musical interactions to tell the story when it comes to the central character.

We can even feel the more esoteric touch in the ending as visually it becomes kind of subjective and it can even be interpreted to end in the same way David Lynch's movie did when it comes to the main character journey.

It's all here, minus the really dark and haunted David Lynch tone of course. But there's even the character of the old star to give advice to the main one.

Seeing this movie is a really weird experience. It's not a dark story at first glance , but there's some 'supernatural" undertones in there ( the train guy with his lucky rabbit paw that somehow feels more like a whimsical supernatural addition than it should be) , that in the end make this movie even more similar to David Lynch's "version(?!)".

The fact that David Lynch never mentioned this Alice In Movieland on any of the interviews I've seen and I'm a big fan of MULHOLAND DRIVE now made the whole experience of discovering this really obscure short movie from 1940 a really weird "lynchian" experience in itself.

The movies are way to similar in several key moments for this to be just a giant coincidence caused by a similar idea for a story. It's really weird. Some of the shots and in particularly the editing can even be put side by side.

Did Lynch stole this obscure short movie and turn it into his own haunted version? MULHOLAND DRIVE just became even more fascinating to me now that I found ALICE IN MOVIELAND. This movie should have been an extra for the MULHOLAND Drive Blu-ray edition.

ALICE IN MOVIELAND it's fascinating , really well made, the story and editing is great and the protagonist is fantastic. No lesbian scenes though. 😁

Awesome short movie and totally mandatory if you are a fan of Lynch's MULHOLAND DRIVE , that's for sure.
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