Mr Inbetween (2018–2021)
A well done original!
8 October 2022
This show presents themes we've seen before, but it does it in a slightly different light, and with a couple of original spins.

First off, as a Yank from the US, it's fascinating to see similar life outcomes with the criminal element of Society, as well as some divergence in what that looks like. Ray is a calm, ordinary-seeming guy who loves his little girl, and treats his ex wife respectfully. He also seems to have a very high level of integrity, and--despite what Society may perceive--very little outward rage, for a common criminal. It seems that the formula for "thugs" or hit men must be a broken personality that results in rage and lashing out. Ray is simply a man who sees things in black and white, and almost never is an instigator to violence. He gives the impression of a guy who always comes out on top, and his calm demeanor seems to lend to that. He isn't physically imposing, but he confronts every situation with a complete lack of fear or hesitation, yet absent of outward rage or psychopathy.

One little thing bugs me in the ongoing story of this man: he never seems to suffer any consequences. He repeatedly goes against some very bad, very deadly groups of people, yet drives around with his little girl and lives in a regular house, with no threat of repercussion for his actions. We also never hear of any investigations of the several people he has 'disappeared'. Nonetheless, it's a great watch, and the atmosphere is engaging. Highly recommended!
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