Great movie for the "warm fuzzies"!
19 October 2022
So i was just thinking, you'd have to write a pretty lousy review for me to give a thumbs down 👎🏻 .. maybe if someone were just ignorant & rude? Mostly I sincerely appreciate anyone making the effort! Even if i don't agree with some comments, that's no reason for the 👎🏻 - just bc we disagree? .. so i recently read that Mr Tracy wanted Katherine Hepburn but it was thought that their great romance irl would take away from the movie or some such. Got like an instant POOF of jealousy - would've been soo great! Love them together! Etc - but wait i LOVE this movie! Love Ellie! Love Joan Bennett as Ellie! Wouldn't change a thing!!

.. sorry but if you wanted an actual review, you should read the others - they're all very good! : )
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