Laissez-faire (2015)
The eternal dilemma in the distribution of wealth
24 October 2022
Not every reader or commentator endorses the philosophical and economical view of the great Von Mises. 'Politics of envy' is actually a double-edged sword. Its corollary should be the sum of increasing welfare programs on behalf of a supposed equality, which is impossible to attain in social practice. If social envy is seen, as it often occurs, as a result of exploitation, the natural policy to be suggested should be, of course, redistribution of income - i.e. Governmental confiscation of "unjustly acquired" income by the filthily rich and its subsequent "recovery" by the petty and the slippery, its 'rightful' owners. A correct identification of the causes for poverty is very much critical, and there's the rub problem. The crux is farther up, though.
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