Great performances in a better than average thriller
27 October 2022
Jessica and Eddie did extremely well with the dialogue they were given. With less talented actors, this movie would have been a complete bore. I think those who wrote the screenplay did a great job at portraying the harsh conditions of healthcare workers in the 90s/ early 2000s. However, the characters were underdeveloped, which was an absolute shame because I was left with so many questions.

They spent a lot of screen time building Amy and Charles's friendship, but not enough time giving us an idea of why Charle and Amy were the way they were. Why was Amy a single mother? Why did Charles keep getting hired with such a sketchy background? Why was the hospital covering for him? These questions are never answered and it made me wonder how much of this movie was real.

Don't worry, all of those answers are easily googlable, but I feel like if those questions were given answers in the movie, I would have been much more invested. I felt like it was wasting Jessica and Eddie's talent by not diving into their characters more because the acting is so good.

Like when Amy is starting to get suspicious of Charles, even though Charles's behavior doesn't change, I was scared of him. Amy's fear displays enough for the audience but hides enough to protect herself from Charles, making you terrified for her and creeped out by Charles. Which screws with your head because Charles's behavior doesn't change. He's still as sweet as he always was, but instead of finding it charming as you did at the beginning of the movie, you slowly start finding it creepy.

Perhaps if this movie was a miniseries, I would have liked it more since it wouldn't have left so much of the real story out. As a movie, it just glossed over too much. That being said, if you're interested in the case of Charles Cullen and enjoy a great performance, you'll enjoy this movie.
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