Like modern Gucci, looks expensive but not very well made
28 October 2022
It is crazy to me that this was considered one of the best pieces of cinema released last year. Granted, the performances of Adam Driver, Lady Gaga, and Al Pacino were quite good. Driver does a good job of portraying a shy and unassuming Mr Gucci, and the character's conflict as different forces try to influence him. It is difficult to figure out what Gaga's character motives are, and i believe that is to her credit. She brings the Italian passion that seems to have been lost by the other characters. Moreover, Gaga's accent was the only one convincingly Italian, most of the rest are comically bad. In one particular scene, it appears that Gaga is stifling a laugh of her own while in conversation with Jared Leto's caricature (no, thats not a spelling mistake). Having graduated from the jar jar binks school of performing arts, with an S (for Super Mario), he masterfully pulls me out of my immersion in every scene.

Equally, the script supervisor needs an espresso. In one particular scene, where Pacino's character is signing a document, his glasses teleport to and from his face, and he uncaps his pen twice.

However, these moments are always in front of a gorgeous backdrop, drenched in gold, silk and Italian leather. Janty Yates must have had a field day with costumes. I was ooing and aahing at every single outfit and I was similarly enamoured with the Italian villas, snowy Swiss chalets and vintage vehicles.

This fur coat, no knickers approach did leave me feeling quite empty. As though I had walked into a museum of Gucci. Overall this isn't a bad movie. It's even a good movie. I like it. I believe 6/10 is fair. Its better than the average movie, but not by a large margin.
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