The show was truly going to the dogs.
30 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The show was truly going to the dogs. Probably having a huge rating slide with the departure of Street's star Michael Douglas. The Streets of San Francisco went to story gimmicks, shock, plots twists etc for ratings. The Canine Collar follow the desperate gimmicks ratings grab. The Canine Collar starts out with pet dogs grabbing the viewers attention of a beloved pet. Many viewers have pets which provide love and fill voids in our lives. The pet owner was such a character. The Canine Collar hook gets the viewer interest as the story turns into another Heart to Heart episode. Starts with a murder, the camera make us see who done it, then the evil plot; this time the plan has a dog collar. Just like Steph Powers and Robert Wagner Dan and Mike ask many questions to solve a murder mystery. Streets has wound down to a murder mystery genera from a cop show. Regrettably, Karl Malden could only carry the show so far without Mike Douglas and the Dog props make The Canine Collar watchable. Just like other episodes, with magnum gun fights aka Eastwood style, Weight lifter murders with Arnold, Springer type plot twists the final episode truly made the series go to the dogs! Went out with a whimper. 6 stars.
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