Bitcon (2022)
Dark and Fun Mystery Movie in Minneapolis
31 October 2022
This dark, funny, chaotic thrill of a movie is perfectly set in the quirky, hip city of Minneapolis. This movie goes everywhere- physically and thematically. While we watch Ty, our main character played by Noah Anderson, frantically travel to a maze-like storage facility, not-so-welcoming auto shop, bumping dance club, popular local bar, and a shady pawn shop (to name a few), the film tackles strained father-son relationships, grief and justice, unlikely friendships, and a modern take on the classic ethical question of would you steal bread to feed your family? Or rather, would you risk jail time (again) to help a stormy group of criminals steal hundreds of thousands of dollars in bitcoin to support your younger brother and widowed father? Or maybe- would you actually steal the hard drive with the money and frame a stranger in a twisted pursuit of revenge for your murdered brother? A simple yes to the former leads Ty into a hurricane of unintended consequences and life-changing events, for better or worse. And a meticulously planned yes to the latter pushes our co-lead, Jess, played by Ella Ma, to question whether vigilante justice is the answer after all. With a captivating supporting cast, edge-of-your-seat action sequences, and a lively blend of humor and tragedy, I encourage you to watch the film and ask yourself- would you steal the bread?
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