Terrifier 2 (2022)
"The Earth without Art is just eh"
3 November 2022
Folks with the attention span of a gif won't like this.

Fans of the first Terrifier embraced the gore and brutality but coudln't define the cosmic miasma of demonic insanity displayed beneath the surface.

With easter eggs galore and nods to the masters, there's so much more going on here than what lurks on the surface. Is it brutal? Sure. Is it gory? Why yes. Meat and potatoes (see what I did there?) practical effects and delectable sets rule in a way unrivaled since the 1980s.

A dreamlike murkiness akin to its predecessor NOES permeates the scenery in a foreboding and intimidating veil that blankets this world.

There's a mystery here to unravel that hasn't quite fully revealed itself through its demonic avatars that reign with terror. A fourth wall is seemingly the only barrier between us and the horrors that prevail, bringing us face to face with fear and mortality even in our own homes.

Our cast is seemingly stereotypical until we realize how carefully crafted and delicate our world is by losing our friends and family in a one by one fashion, slowly taken apart with the devilry and delight of wickedness.

Im old enough to remember when Nightmare on Elm Street came out in '84. And I remember the words... "Trash", "Utter Garbage" and "This makes no sense".

A now celebrated and more than successful franchise, heralded as one of the all time greats.

Folks will look back on this one as years pass. Either you're a part of what's happening now and understand this new genesis of art or you don't get it and aren't willing to spend the time to understand it.

This film is made by fans, with fans, for fans and is like nothing else you've witnessed before. I for one absolutely loved every minute of this film that was too long for others, feeling every frame moved this story forward with intention and asking myself where did the time go? How can it possibly be over?

Alot of film goers aren't aware of the subculture here or the depth of subgenres and how interwoven our horror community actually is. We must be careful how we shape our social communities in this new social landscape and shun the "us vs them" mentality.

If we want wins in horror, we have to win together.

Edge lords and gatekeepers aren't gonna get us there.

I love and appreciate everyone that was involved in this project and most certainly hope this trend of community building continues developing and delivering products with this much passion.

Every single member of this cast was absolutely on point and fantastic, delivering just enough comedy to counter balance the tragedy and brutality of the Terrifier.
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