Cheesy Slasher or Action/Revenge, it fails at both
14 November 2022
'The Majorettes' is a cheesy 80's slasher that has some interesting elements such as the inheritance subplot and the complete genre switch up towards the last act where it becomes a revenge flick. Despite having all the elements in place to be an effective fun time with a masked killer, plenty of violence and several twists and turns, the movie's horror elements are rather weak devoid of any thrills or tension and the kills are very lacklustre.

The plot - The local high school Majorettes are being killed off by one by one by a mysterious masked killer, while at the same time a local gang are causing trouble at the high school as-well.

This movie should have just stuck to one genre, namely the slasher story and made it a good one or went with the second half of the story the action/revenge part, as the combination in this feels very jarring with neither comes together organically. The mystery of the killer felt very MEH and what should have been an unnerving moment, comes across as who cares. The subplot with the evil nurse and her mentally challenged son could have really added some much needed suspense or intrigue to the story, but even that becomes pointless towards the end.

Overall 'The Majorettes' could have been a cheesy fun time, but instead it falls flat at every turn.
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