Don't fear your fear, face it
23 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The film lets us see The Pranksters, two video vloggers who have a following by doing stupid pranks like spending the night in a morgue with dead bodies. Their arch rival is Betty (Nilam Farooq) who questions their maturity. A challenge between the two factions has been devised to spend the night in a haunted hospital outside of Berlin. We discover it was used during WWII to experiment on sick people with TB. Story goes Hitler was a patient there during WWI. There is a legend about patient 106 who got pregnant by a doctor and she still roams the halls. They go to the location along with a film crew and Marne (Sonja Gerhardt) the medium. We are told it is winter and cold but we never see any frozen breathe of people with red face and sniffles from the cold. The pranksters do their pranks on Betty, but soon there are things they are not controlling.

I watched the film in German with English subtitles because reviews claimed the English version was monotone. It added some realism to the feature watching in German. Okay for a found footage which includes the jerk cam, floor cam, dark cam, bad light cam, and this one includes the famous dragged across the floor cam.

Guide: F-word. No sex. Corpse nudity.
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