Hilariously awful relic of the 50s
23 November 2022
This short subject stars Chuck Connors as a guy who tries to help out a gang of morons, with narration by Richard Widmark.

Connors plays Bud Williams, "Group Work Specialist," who mysteriously shows up at a hot dog stand and tries to make nice with the kids. (Tip to teenagers - if a tall strapping guy in a crew cut named "Bud" drives up in a wooden station wagon and suggests you join his club, call a cop, even if the guy looks like "The Rifleman.") The kid with the most problems is Jerry, who tries to settle every argument by pulling out his switchblade. We learn the reason for Jerry's aggression in the opening scene. His stepmother is a witch, and she has kitty-whipped his father, played by veteran character actor Arthur Space. Space puts the "uss" in "wuss." Think Jim Backus in "Rebel Without a Cause," only ten times wimpier. But at least Space is not reduced to wearing an apron.

Bud eventually coerces the kids into playing baseball, ping pong, and other exciting games. However, spending time with the kids does not make Bud wiser. When another kid picks on Jerry, Jerry pulls his knife for the 432nd time, then runs off, which sparks some intelligent dialogue:

Kid #1: "Wow, he was really gonna let me have it." Bud: "This is serious, fellas." Kid # 2: "Yeah, let's do something." Bud: "Let's go find him."

They do find Jerry, who is redecorating his house with his knife. Jerry's father finally grows a pair, and almost everyone lives happily ever after. Enraged by the bad narration he is handed, Widmark ties the stepmother to a wheelchair and hurls her down a flight of stairs. Then Connors is gunned down by Burl Ives.
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