Call Jane (2022)
You will or should get an added perspective on the subject of the movie, one that is not focused on a right, but on a need.
3 December 2022
If you are looking for an entertaining movie mostly, you will be disappointed probably, but if you have an open mind and appreciate the input that movies can and do provide for expanding one's understanding of life's great challenges, then you should not be disappointed. That along with this review's headline is my conclusion, upfront.

Firstly, the IMDb synopsis and especially the storyline further below it will provide you sufficient information to decide if you want to see this movie. I was swayed mostly by the three lead actors whose names usually will make me consider watching the movies in which they perform, namely Sigourney Weaver, Chris Messina and the lead actor also, Elizabeth Banks. It is not any of those three's best performances, in my opinion, but the characters they play and their situation or the circumstances depicted may be the factors that made me immerse myself in the period, 50 years ago, and especially in the battle they fought, the one for women's right to an abortion. I've been, in principle, always a supporter of the cause and for the rights. The movie gave however something more than justification, it gave me the feeling that made my reasons for supporting the cause more human and definitely more real. I can only imagine how this movie will make women viewers feel, as I am but a man. I'm serious because the story was a serious one and still the fight for those rights are serious today, in America without a doubt.

In June of this year, 2022, America got a shot to its perceived rights, well they were not so 'acquired' anymore, when the Supreme Court overturned the defining 1973 landmark decision we all know as Roe vs Wade. It was a setback that justifiably angered most women and anyone really supportive of the needed rights. I will repeat the word 'need' and 'needed' because it was what this movie allowed me to appreciate with greater sensitivity. The story of the women in the movie is no different than the actual circumstances that existed then, exist today and always will. The story paints that picture well enough, not like a photograph but perhaps like a Van Gogh painting might to the discerning eye.

It may or not change some minds, but it's the best source for a getting a perspective called for, one beyond simply believing in a principle but understanding a need. The movie was released in Oct-2022 after the Dobbs case proceedings, the one the Supreme Court of the United States ruled in June 2022; it was fair timing for the release which many, I read, wanted released sooner, not that it would have made a difference. The movie however reinforced the ensuing political debates before US midterm elections. Movies such as this one are part of what makes cinema a valued art, even when it's not Oscar material. After seeing the movie online, I was compelled to write a review; I would be thrilled if it convinced anyone, one would be good, to watch it in turn.
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