Abortive Attempt, Precious Few Highlights
20 December 2022
Die hard DT fan here, been avoiding this one like the plague. As it was leaving Netflix and I found myself with some time to kill, I decided to give it a spin.

It's a surface reading of the Way Station, with bits and pieces of the Dixie Pig and Algul Siento/Institute thrown in. It gets some things right if you know the books by heart.

The can toi/taheen are as creepy as they should. The boy cast as Jake is good and McCounaghey was an inspired choice as Walter, even though his dialogue and characterization were terrible. Elba does an amazing job putting together a mythical action hero in a movie that should never have been made.

If a normal moviegoer watches this, they will walk away thinking that the greatest literary epic of the 20th century is C list, low rent SyFy trash. For hardcore DT fans, it's an interesting visual exploration of some of the books' themes, a brief sketch of what could be.
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