Review of Space: 1999

Space: 1999 (1975–1977)
The show LOOKS like it should make far more sense than it does
22 December 2022
This is a very strange show because by and large, it looks great but generally has stunningly bad science.

The FX weren't always great, but the moon base looks quite believable. The Eagles were incredibly well realized utility ships. And the miniatures look like a million bucks to this day even in HD.

But despite how convincing all that is, the science is so ridiculous that a 10 year old would notice. This was in the mid 70s when the general audience was particularly well educated on matters of space travel because of the heady recent days of the Space Race. The "science" in this show was often worse than that of Lost In Space and felt like it would have come from the 50s.

At the start of the very first episode, the first words onscreen are "Dark Side of the Moon". Ugh, even Pink Floyd knew that made no sense.

And pretending the moon is a starship is so hilariously flawed. I could live with the moon somehow being ripped from orbit. A show's inciting event can be crazy and even impossible, especially if the characters note this as some mystery.

I could even live with the moon going through some space warp that gives it the speed to go through so many planetary systems.

But the problem is the speeds needed to reach these systems means the moon would be in these systems for minutes or seconds. Yet, somehow the moon manages to hang out near a planet for several days each week, as needed by the plot.

I do get some joy watching the show because I saw it in the 70s when I was 6 or 7. There are some decent stories and they were at least trying at times to make a thought provoking show. The first season was trying to bring Kubrick to the small screen and that's at least a bit ballsy.

Unfortunately, Lew Grade had no idea he was producing nonsense.
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