Pee Nak 3 (2022)
About as enjoyable as the 2020 second movie in the franchise...
25 December 2022
Right, well I did enjoy the 2019 movie "Pee Nak", but weren't overly keen on the 2020 "Pee Nak 2" movie. But I still opted to sit down and watch this 2022 "Pee Nak 3" movie as I had the opportunity to do so.

However, I must admit that "Pee Nak 3" was much akin to the 2020 second movie, and it sort of fell a bit short of properly entertaining me. Sure, the movie was watchable, but the narrative was really, really slow paced, which made the 111 minute runtime seem rather prolonged.

And it didnt really help much that the character gallery was essentially just one and the same character; that being a whiny, scared character that spoke constantly in a high quitched voice. It grew rather tiresome rather quickly. Personally, I would have enjoyed more diversified character gallery a lot more, rather than just essentially have them all be the one and same.

The acting performances in "Pee Nak 3" were fair enough, though the actors didn't really have all that much to work with.

I will say, however, that the special effects in the movie were good, both the practical and the CGI. And those effects carried the movie a great long way actually.

Director Phontharis Chotkijsadarsopon, and I am not even going to try to pronounce that, didn't really impress me with this third movie in the franchise. But if you enjoyed the 2020 movie, then chances are that you will also enjoy this 2022 movie.

While I managed to sit through all 111 minutes, I was only mildly entertained by "Pee Nak 3". This is not a movie that I would recommend you rush out to get a chance to view. Nor is it a movie that I will ever return to watch a second time.

My rating of "Pee Nak 3" lands on a four out of ten stars.
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