Fun comedy with romantic touches here and there , with plenty of entertainment , humor and sheer amusement .
9 January 2023
Funny but uneven comedy starred by a group of not very known but sympatetic actors . Bald jokes seems to be the main leitmotif of this amusing film and in that complete vein goes 'By the hair' . The principal issue about the continuous meetings and ongoings disagreements among the bald protagonists and their intertwined loves , it is so repetitive and that makes it a little boring . This is a slightly bemusing film with entertaining events , giggles , emotion and agreeable love stories . Comical as well as romantic comedy is loaded with irony , humor with tongue-in-cheek , joking and nutty fun . Stars three bald young men : Juanjo (Antonio Pagudo) , Sebas (Nene) and Rayco Guerrero (Tomás Aguilera). The three youngsters suffer from deep complex and painful vicissitude ; one who lives subject to the opinion of his reggaeton followers , the one who is separated from the life of his daughters and the one who is subject to the wishes or desires of his wife. All of them bearing the stigma of alopecia and at the same time their self-esteem problems in a world that is guided by appearances. 'By the Hair' is about three men who for one reason or another travel to the famous Turkish hair transplant clinics in Istambul . If there are people who put on breasts, why aren't we going to do this?

Spanish comedy filled with a good cadence of gags of all kinds , amusement , laughs , bemusing situations and ordinary actors . It is an agreeable story about family , grandfather , parents , children , relatives, friends and their usual life problems , while some of them suffering personal crisis or a social stigma . Nice and attractive Spanish comedy starred by good actors , including mirth , ridiculous situations , brief touches of drama and with a distinctly Spanish sense of style . It turns out to be pleasantly funny that offers no intellectual stimulus whatsoever ; an exercise in pure amusement in which entertainment and fun are guaranteed . Although including a series of issues that affect the self-esteem of each one . The diverting as well crazy characters are quite odd , grotesque and weird and the film races on at incredible speed . The main premise deals with hair loss and baldness, in which an offbeat people have a lot of problems , all of them mixed up in all kinds of absurd , hilarious and even romantic incidents . Don't get me wrong, this is not a film that is disrespectful with bald people , it is a comedy with which one can laugh at and with prejudices or social canons . Superficiality is called into question and clichés are exploited to the maximum . Despite the fact that no acidity or social critic are perceived , a parody of the world of reggaeton or the recent young fake-culture and the new foul-language are made . The entire cast is charming , especially in the cases of Nene who still seems like a great discovery , the newcomer Tomás Aguilera as an unfortunate reggaeton singer , Antonio Pagudo in a sweet moment , María Hervás , Eva Ugarte, Amaia Salamanca and, of course , the always likeable Leo Harlem who follows in his regular line , like in his monologues, as he does a defense for traditional values and without complexes. And special mention for the ruthless manager played by Jesús Vidal who steals the show as a business shark .

The cinematography by cameraman David Omedes is luxurious as well as colorful , being filmed in Istanbul . Atmospheric and lively musical score by Juanjo Javierre , adding some catching and popular songs . Being skillfully directed by Nacho G Velilla , and it turned out to be success enough at the Spanish box office . This director was born in Zaragoza , Aragon , location where he often shoots his flicks . He is a good director , producer and writer, expert on comedies and especially known for ¨Villaviciosa De Al Lado¨ , ¨No Manches Frida¨ , ¨No Lo Llames Amor... Llámalo X¨ , ¨Perdiendo El Norte¨ , as well as his successful TV series , such as : ¨Aida¨ with Carmen Machi , ¨Siete Vidas¨ , ¨Fenómenos¨ , ¨Buscando El Norte¨, and his big hit : "To Hell with the Ugly" or ¨Que se mueran los feos¨ with Javier Cámara . Rating : Average but passable , 6/10 . The picture will appeal to Spanish comedy enthusiasts , though it also packs vast language , bad taste , sexy scenes , profanity and big fun too .
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