Fascinating and unbelieveable. But a necessary watch.
11 January 2023
I first watched "Abducted in Plain Sight" - which, still, remains the most disturbing portrayal of this incident out there whether in book form or live action. You can't beat the interviews with the family - just can't. Where this show seems to be created to straighten out some storytelling timelines ( and that IS important in this particular story ) and the acting is top notch, the mood and tone of the Netflix docudrama "Abducted in Plain Sight " better captures the ultimate tone of dark, disbelief that enshrouds this story - better than A Friend of the Family. This is a VERY dark story with long term ramifications for all involved and the Friend of the Family almost keeps the entire story in a too rosey light. This man took absession to a new reality for this family, and the music and editing and lack of showing his actual ( n ot literal - we don't need to see him raping an 11 year old ) intimate interactions with his victim is odd, especially since there was a very long, complete scene with Jan's father "assisting" Berchtold in a sexual "relief" act. I felt the poor father's anguish. We only glimpse Jan's anguish as outsiders because of this lack of "showing" vs "telling" which every storyteller knows is the #1 rule. Show, don't tell. Takeaway: If you want to really understand the complexities of this very unfortunate event in this family's life, watch both and read the book - between the three is better understanding of HOW this happened, WHY it happened and, as a parent/ grandparent/ relative - whatever - how to spot this kind of manipulation so you and yours aren't victims.
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