An underlooked gem
14 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
After watching this film multiple times, I still don't understand why this film has not got the appreciation it deserves. Uttama Villain is about an actor who decides to do one last film with his mentor after he gets to know that he hasn't got much time left. While the actor is dying, Uttaman, the character he portrays in his last film is a street artiste who has got the boon of immortality.

The way both the contrasting stories, the story of the dying actor and the immortal Uttaman unfolds is brilliant and almost flawless. While the plot is simple, the film is filled with layers and layers of deep, prominent themes.

Uttama Villain is about a man seeking redemption: Only when you realise that you have very little time left to ask sorry for the mistakes you've made, you start to regret it. Manoranjan (the dying actor) had to leave the love of his life, Yamini, for his greed of achieving immortal fame and stardom. The letters each of them wrote remained undelivered due to his father-in-law.

Likewise, the letter the princess wrote seeking help from the neighbouring kingdom remained undelivered due to the obstruction of the greedy Muththarasan (Nasser). And the story of Uttaman is about how he kills the greedy king to unite with his love. This is Manoranjan's way of seeking redemption. He is in no position to right his wrongs out. So he uses his art to convey that he has realised that he has fallen into the trap of greediness and wants to come out of it. While Muththarasan is the portrait of the greedy, villainous side of Manoranjan, Uttaman is the portrait of the side of Manoranjan who wants to seek redemption by killing his greedy side.

Uttama Villain is about a man seeking eternity: Whether we like it or not, we have to face our end one day. Only while nearing his end Manoranjan realises that all his fame and stardom are temporary and would cease to remain one day. Hence he decides to make a film with his mentor, a film that would not increase his fame or stardom but a film that people would love and would make them laugh wholeheartedly. He understands that even though he has an end, his art and people's love for it do not. Hence he conveys through his art that he has realised his mistakes and wants to become Uttaman and be remembered like that.

This film is not only rich theme-wise but also with the dialogues and wordplay, heart-touching music and excellent acting. Sadly, we have missed appreciating this film and I hope it would get the appreciation it deserves.
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