15 January 2023
How does this movie have only 20 reviews? This is one of the best, most realistic, movies I have ever seen. If you are into I SAW THE DEVIL and SWEET WHIP, you will ADORE this movie.

This movie is a rollercoaster of emotions. This is why we love movies from Asia! I would call this the Asian MARTYRS in its way. If you think about it, this movie tries to be realistic as possible, while MARTYRS does experiment with gore and horror trying to make it more shocking.

Every actor does an amazing job. The story is extremely strong, and even tho the movie is a slow one, it still is a full-blown masterpiece. This is what DISTURBING movies are man. You don't need GORE or EXPLOITATION for it to be shocking. The best Disturbing movies are the ones that hit the nail without any gore, or forceful shock material, like this beautiful gem.

I was about to cry a river out of myself at that ending man and then thanked God the ending was a happy one. If the little girl did the deed, id probably have cried good 5+ minutes like when I watched Grave of the Fireflies and Triangle.

This is one of those movies that you MUST watch, and it's a shame and pity that it's not more known.
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