Fun frontier romantic comedy and adventure
15 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Too handsome wandering trapper(Robert Taylor, as Bushrod Gentry) shows up in frontier Kentucky, and all the eligible lassies want to grab him as their husband, including Cissie, whom Bushrod saves from several Shawnee warriors lurking around the village. But Bushrod reiterates that he is a happy confirmed bachelor. So, thanks, but no thanks. So, he moves on to the next settlement, where the most eligible lassie: Mary Stuart(Eleanor Parker), immediately decides to ditch her luke warm boyfriend and grab Bushrod, who again emphasizes that he's a happy confirmed bachelor. But, she's not about to give up trying. Unlike Cissie, she's an all-around frontier woman, who's an Annie Oakley with a Kentucky rifle, which she uses in hunting: quite comfortable in the bush, like Bushrod. We have fun, with Mary Stuart continuing to try to break down Bushrod's resistance, and trying to convince her boyfriend that he's a has-been. Finally, the once-a -year circuit-riding preacher arrives, so she knows it's now or never. Her 4 brothers hog tie him and, against his will, he finally says "I do", in a shotgun wedding. But, soon, he says "I don't, I'm leaving". And after a while, she says "I don't either". But, we 'know' that things can't end like this! They have two interesting life or death skirmishes with Shawnee warriors, the last which brings them back together, for an apparent happily married ending.

Included are several comical brawls involving Bushrod and a settler or two. Also, a comical group dance, in frontier fashion. Charismatic character actor Victor Mclauglin gets in sone licks as Mary Stuart's Irish father. Gigantic James Arness(Gunsmoke), his wife(Rosemary DeCamp), and infant have a small non-essential part...........The very appropriate catchy traditional-sounding song "Higher up the Berry Tree" is the theme song, sung or heard in the background periodically.

Only a few gripes: Every western, and especially this one, that includes a non-cowboy frontiersman, has them wearing a coon-skin cap, even in summer, as an identifier of their status. But no sane actual frontiersman wore such in warm weather. They were too hot then!......... Also, despite the title, I only recollect seeing them cross one river, not many. Presumably, this serves to emphasize Bushrod's previous life, crossing many rivers in his extensive wanderings.

Robert Taylor, at 44, and Eleanor Parker, at 33, presumably were playing about 15 years younger. Taylor is probably best remembered for his starring role in 3 ancient or medieval-world dramas released during the early 50s, not long before this film. Like many Hollywood stars, he was a heavy smoker, and eventually paid for it, dying of lung cancer at 57............. Eleanor Parker, was a popular leading lady, especially in the '40s and '50s, although I can't think of any major hits she was included in. Like Lucille Ball, for instance, she typically dyed her hair red(actually orange), presumably to make her stand out more in the age of color cinematography. She was great in her role here!
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