Roswell, New Mexico (2019–2022)
Unconditional love mixed together with a twisty plot about aliens.
18 January 2023
Season One: 9/10

Season Two: 7/10

Season Three: 6.5/10

Themes: Sci-Fi, Romance, Aliens, Family, Supernatural Abilities, Second-Chance Love, Lgbtq+, Drama, Murder, Government Concpiracies, Love Triangle, Secrets, Latina, Racism, Mystery, Scientists, Small Town & Grief.

Review after season 1: Is this show over-the-top and extremely dramatic? Yes. Did that bother me even a little bit? Nope. I definitely knew what I was getting myself into with this series and I enjoyed every second of the ride. The plot kept me intrigued throughout and the mysteries genuinely kept me guessing. So much was happening here and the rapid pacing made this show super entertaining. And I mean, yes, the characters can be a little simple but the intensity of their love for each other had me hooked anyway. Whether it was romantic love or familial love; this show had both in an unconditional type of way, and I'm a big sucker for that.

Review after season 2: I feel like the show definitely went downhill a little bit. The plot simply wasn't as engaging or entertaining this time around, and it was even slightly boring at certain points. The pacing was slower and it all felt kind of repetitive. It didn't have me fully intrigued anymore and it seemed to be missing some of its previous charm. I also wasn't a big fan of the romance this season. Even still, I did still really like the characters: most of them are very nice and easy to root for.

Review after season 3: Although some of the plot was vaguely interesting and certain mysteries did intrigue me a bit, I still wasn't very entertained by this. The emotions and relationships are definitely missing depth and it's hard to feel very invested in any of it. Everything is all rather superficial and simple. The romance especially has been severely underwhelming and underdeveloped. The main couple simply does not interest me in the least, while the couples that I do like hardly get any screentime. It's disappointing. Oh, and last but not least; I am so sick and tired of everything that has to do with Max Evans. Every single season has been about saving this guy (to the point where it is getting extremely repetitive), but I literally couldn't care any less about him. He's as bland as can possibly be, and whenever he does show a hint of emotion, it is usually in an annoying way. So, when every plotline in this show is somehow about this dude's potential survival, it is hard to stay engaged, since he could literally die for all I care.

Top five characters: 1) Isobel Evans, 2) Michael Guerin, 3) Kyle Valenti, 4) Alex Manes and 5) Liz Ortecho.

Least favourite character: Max Evans.
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