Sometimes we live our dreams in our daily lives!
23 January 2023
After dinner today, I chose "Mulholland Drive," a film I have been wanting to see for a long time and which is highly rated on IMDb and other film review sites, but it is not a masterpiece for me.

David Lynch and Christopher Nolan are very similar types of filmmakers. Both make esoteric films that mix dreams and reality. The first half of this movie is also a dream story, and in the second half, the atmosphere and names of the characters suddenly changed.

While watching the movie, there were some scenes where it was difficult to judge whether this was a dream or reality. However, if you think about it, there are times in our lives when we escape from reality and live in dreams.

We often dream of becoming famous, successful in our work, have everything we want, and then immerse ourselves in a completely different person."

Mulholland Drive" is the sad story of one woman, Diane, whose dreams were dashed, her love unfulfilled, and all shattered.

It's a little difficult, so I got tired before going to bed, but I thought I'd take a look at it again if I had the chance.
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