The Engagement Plot (2022 TV Movie)
This movie is a mess. Old actors playing young ones...why???
27 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So, I expected to really like this. I usually like Trevor Donovan and have been enjoying Rachel Boston movies for the past couple years once she began playing mature characters and acting her age, letting go of the cringe cutesy character she started as. She apparently decided to return to the cringe role in her 40s and it does not suit her. First off, she looks at least 44, even with all the makeup, so she absolutely doesn't pass anywhere near 30 and cannot compete with young 20 year olds...let's be realistic here. Her clothes in the 20 yr old bohemian style was just embarrassing. Her trying to play the personality that worked when she was, just no. Please grow up finally. It did not work and made this film so unbelievable immediately. Trevor Donovan looked so old and dried out...get the man some moisturizer please. He looked closer to 50 which was shocking to see his age progression from his more recent Hallmark movies. His acting was just not good in this either, and I usually enjoy his acting well enough. The premise for this show was hard to believe. I wanted to see these moments that led to them falling in love, but we didn't get real focus on it, so it was hard to believe that she fell for him and had her heart broken. Even more so that he seemed to really like her, and it felt like it was purely because she was the only older and not entirely infantile social media obsessed woman there. So whatever, he loves her but he doesn't even ask her about her comment about him being better off with someone else? Just went for the awful chick with no thought whatsoever. Honestly it says a lot that she was his runner up to begin with. She was the worst. So then to save HIS BUSINESS from the fall out of his stupid decision that he didn't think through at all...he decides he needs her back??? And she's supposed to just go back with him and forget and help him and make herself look like a doormat and idiot? Literally setting a bad example to all the women supporting her everywhere in her social media fake world. Such an awful script and story. I mean who wrote this and thought, "Yes, this is such a great idea to reintroduce him and bring them back together! She'll win the end!" Nevermind the fact that she claims he broke her heart. So dumb.
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