Call me a sap, but I love this wedding veil series and I love the collaboration of female actors!
27 January 2023
We return to the Italian wedding veil saga. Our three college friends and art aficionados have now all married wonderful men wearing the beautiful Italian veil. (I loved how each had their own personal style and wore the veil in a slightly different way.) We head back to Boston to catch up with Avery and Peter. These two are still madly in love with Peter waking up his romantic wife (the most romantic of the three friends) with a rose each morning. They have purchased this wonderful old home that should be on a historic registry...but in the process of doing some remodeling and updating, discover leaks, cracks in the foundation, etc. To top it off Avery is putting together a new lace exhibit at the museum and has a new boss who she doesn't see eye to eye with. Can she find the perfect unforgettable moment to tell Peter they are expecting and is veil working it's magic on someone else?

I love, love, love this series. It helps that they have wonderful actors anchoring the cast, but I was happy to see the return of so many of the supporting cast. The overall story has been wonderfully done and what I truly appreciate is at its heart is this great supportive friendship between three college friends.

I can't wait to see the next two films...and I hope this is just the beginning of a long and storied Wedding Veil franchise! I highly recommend this to all fellow romantics out there.
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