like others say before, it's slightly long. would've been better if they cut the last 15mins of the movie
29 January 2023
Like others say before, it's slightly long.

Would've been better if they cut the last 15mins of the movie.

You either make it a sad ending, or happy ending.

No need for ops, there're actually a cure. So make a u-turn.

This is like watching spanish soap opera with twist after twist after twist. Yeah we get it you guys like twist that much. Stop it you're ruining a good movie!

Also the landing scene almost rival fast & furious airplane landing lane length.

It's almost 2minutes and the plane still didnt stop after spinning 3times, or is it 2times? Whatever.. if the movie length is 2hours i would've give it 8stars. Somehow that ending just dumb down what an enjoyable watch i've had.
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