Nope. Just nope.
30 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I am a Hallmark junkie, and it's hard for me to really not like one of their movies. This one was a mess. I hate that he was so disrespectful about her expertise and career yet he was cute, so he gets mostly a pass for being a jerk. She said but never really showed how much that annoyed her.

But what really killed me was the subplot with the sister. Could they not be bothered to do even a modicum of research? That was just insulting. Sister is having IVF treatments, and they're joking about encouraging "his swimmers." With IVF the egg is fertilized outside the body, so, no, there are no "swimmers" at that point to deal with. Two seconds with google would have told them that. But worse, they make a big deal out of the fact that this was their last attempt. They didn't have the money to try again. Yet Heather (our protagonist) leaves her sister all alone on the night she's supposed to take her pregnancy test in favor of going to a party. Then Riley (the sister) takes the test, and it's negative. She is not going to have the baby she so desperately wants. What does she do? She looks a little sad. In reality a woman would be devastated by that news. Then Heather apparently doesn't even care enough to ask her how the test went, and the story just pretends like it never happens. Riley is all excited for Heather to get together with the hot guy and get a bonus daughter while she is not going to have the child she wants. Not being able to get pregnant is absolutely heartbreaking, and instead it was played practically for laughs with zero sensitivity. I get that it was a subplot, but that was just horrendous to make so light of what is such a real tragedy for people. I never expected a Hallmark movie to show such a lack of sensitivity and respect. Do better, Hallmark!

The story with Sonia also seemed superfluous. It never went anywhere. She never actually caused an problems between them and was easily sent packing by a child. There didn't seem to be any real point to it.

The movie gets points for beautiful scenery, dogs and puppies, and the actor who played Eric. He's always a delight. It was also nice to see something a bit different as far as professions. The leads are both likeable, the supporting characters were good (for the most part), and this could have been a good movie. It just wasn't.
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