Review of Mutt

Mutt (2023)
"Mutt" has a strong performance and a decent commentary on trans transition
1 February 2023
Saw this at the 2023 Sundance Film Festival.

"Mutt" is a story about the character of Feña, a young trans guy bustling through life in New York City, is afflicted with an incessantly challenging day that resurrects ghosts from his past. This is director Vuk Lungulov-Klotz first feature film and it proves there is passion behind this project. As a whole, the film is decent with strong performances and concepts explored.

Throughout, the film has beautiful camerawork as the 1:33:1 aspect ratio helps to create the atmosphere of tension and the chaotic scenario. The performances are pretty good especially Lío Mehiel and Cole Doman as both were able to capture all emotions of raw, stress, anger, and such. Alongside with a nice soundtrack and some interesting commentary on post-transition.

I understand where the narrative is heading as the narrative explores about gender transitioning, reconnecting with loss loved ones and all but while there are some interesting moments, the narrative doesn't always have an strong impactful as certain moments felt a bit dull. The characters have their interesting moments but some of the characters were a little difficult to connect with. I understand why the characters are written that way but certain characters didn't feel fleshed out enough to really connect with fully.

The production is solid and there were some moments that were pretty genuine on the emotional levels. Post Trans-transition is a concept that could be explored more in-depth and "Mutt" isn't the best one but it's an decent film that explores the subject.

If you want another film about post trans-transition, I recommend "52 Tuesdays".

Rating: B-
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