Well worth seeing...but hardly a comedy.
4 February 2023
IMDB lists "North Dallas Forty" as a comedy...which is simply amazing. It's about as funny as cancer and the film never tries to be a comedy! Instead, it's an indictment about the awfulness of pro football...and how it chews up and spits out the players...leaving them as unemployed cripples.

The film centers around an aging receiver, Phil Elliott. Elliott has had an excellent career but after repeated injuries, he's only able to perform on the field with drugs and alcohol. As for his teammates, many of them do the same, though some seem like they are close to being psychotics and degenerates...all thanks to the environment created by the sport.

The film is hard to watch. Part of it is because the players are shown with little sympathy or nostalgia. Instead, they are jerks who self-medicate to handle the pain or act out like jerks off the field. I do appreciate the film for being no hold barred. However, because of this, the movie is VERY adult...with adult language, nudity and nastiness that kids shouldn't see. However, I do recommend you let your teens see it if they are interested in pro sports careers.
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