A historic biopic not without merit
5 February 2023
Some left-wing people would have us, French citizens, think that revolutionaries were saints and that French History began in 1789. This movie reminds us that all was not black and white, and that there were heroes, and bad people and good people, in both camps, royalists and catholics as well as revolutionaries.

I don't know how much of Charette's private history is known to historians so I would call this movie a biopic rather than a documentary. And this movie was first meant for television before making it to the screen, so maybe it will disappoint the cinema viewer. However, I didn't find it without merit and ambition compared to the usual french comedies and societal movies. And I should say that the viewers' rating in France goes far above the critics' rating and the movie was applauded when I went to see it.

So... give it a try and make your own opinion.
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