Cool father but annoying kids
11 February 2023
This review is from an adult point of view.

The series looks promising. It has an interesting storyline which happens to include outer space. It's filed with spacecrafts, an AI sidekick, new technology, gadgets, aliens and robots. What's not to like?

Plus it's endowed with fantastic CGI, I was expecting this to be entertaining. But after the 3rd episode, I found the two kids incredibly Annoying, with a capital "A".

Putting aside the kids for the moment, this could be a great series. The CGI is first rate. The look & feel gives me the same vibe as "Lightyear". The quality of the CGI of this series will give Pixar a run for their money

The storyline is also interesting, and due to its setting, they (writers) can go nuts with the storyline. Exposing us to as far as the creators' imagination can go. Filling us with new worlds and characters to their hearts' content.

But those kids, were not likeable at all. They came across as stubborn, undisciplined, and lacking total respect for the father (i.e. They don't listen). And considering the daughter is supposed to be somewhat of a genius with street smarts, ends up acting extremely dumb in many ways. My only hope is, as the series progresses, they (kids) will become more likeable. But after 3 episodes, not looking good so far.

VERDICT: It's a good watch, just ignore the two brats..., err, I meant, kids. Younger audiences will love it.
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