I was actually moved by the existential crisis of this cartoon cat
11 February 2023
CS Lewis once said a children's story that only appeals to children is not a good children's film in the least. I can think of plenty of crummy kids' movies that illustrate the point, but I'd rather bring up a positive example-- PUSS IN BOOTS: THE LAST WISH.

I cannot believe I am saying this about a Shrek spinoff, but this movie really is that good. It works on so many levels: as a high-speed comedy, all the jokes land, but as a story about mortality and the meaning of life, this film is oddly compelling and mature. The plot literally involves Puss running from the personification of death, hoping to cling to his life. In between the funny scenes, I was actually moved by the existential crisis of this cartoon cat. That's no small feat.

This is truly a movie kids and adults can cherish.
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