Review of Ivalu

Ivalu (2023)
The Raven Is A Messenger And A Psychopomp
26 February 2023
Mila Heilmann Kreutzmann's big sister has gone missing, so she wanders around Greenland looking for her between school, home, and a visit by the Queen. She is shadowed by, or perhaps pursues, a large raven.

Based on a graphic novel, this is a slow-moving sixteen minutes that gives you plenty of time to appreciate the stark beauty of Greenland, a glacier or two, and its ice-scoured rocks. It's also long enough to induce some personal anxiety as the main character seems to be pretty slow in realizing what is going on, which is not a story-telling technique that appeals to me. I don't think it's good form for an audience member to shout advice to a character on screen. Still, kudos to cinematographer Rasmus Heise.
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