Made for Each Other (2023 TV Movie)
Lived up to the premise
5 March 2023
Made for Each Other is a riff on the "invented boyfriend" trope, except in this case, the boyfriend isn't pretending due to some deal, but magically created via ancient magic from a sculpture!

And let me say early on we laughed out LOUD at lot during this movie.

Arron O'Connell, who plays the sculpture come to life--named "Clay" :-)--folds himself into the role of the perfect man amusingly. Thus the writers get away with a "Gary Stu", the perfect character who can do no wrong.

We've seen Matt Cohen on the other side of this trope, playing a Jewish actor playing the female leads' boyfriend whom she takes home for Christmas. We think that movie is a hoot, too.

Teryl Rothery had a long run as the base doctor on Stargate SG-1, but she's transitioned nicely into playing motherly types in Hallmark films. Here she plays the Jewish mother with an agenda for her daughter ... get married ... and marry a PROVIDER.

We haven't seen Alexandra Turshen before, but she provided some truly amusing moments herself.
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