13 March 2023
'The Gingham Dog and the Calico Cat' does sound quite sugary and with a danger of being too cutesy on paper, but as it was Rabbit Ears Productions it was hard to dismiss it immediately as such due to loving much of the company's output so much. Part of me had a strong feeling that Rabbit Ears Productions would make something meaningful, magical and charming out of the story, as much of their work can be summed up by those three adjectives perfectly.

Rabbit Ears Productions' Holiday Classics series, the most frequently portrayed holiday being Christmas, is not as consistent as the other series Rabbit Ears Productions was responsible for (Storybook Classics in particular was consistently of exceptionally high quality, closely followed by Tales from Around the World). 'The Gingham Dog and the Calico Cat' thankfully is more meaningful and charming than sugary and cutesy and for me it is one of the best of the Holiday Classics. 'The Savior is Born' and 'The Lion and the Lamb' are my favourites of a series where even its weakest ('Squanto's First Thanksgiving') is still good, but this is one of the best.

Can't find anything to fault it. The art is beautifully done, vibrant in colour, meticulously detailed and there is nothing ugly about the way things are drawn, the two titular characters are endearingly illustrated and the snowy landscapes are gorgeous. Chet Atkins' music is beautifully subtle and fits perfectly with the simplicity of the storytelling.

Amy Grant brings all the qualities that made her narration in the Greatest Stories Ever Told adaptations of 'The Creation' and 'The Lion and the Lamb' so wonderful. It is soothing and sincere, and makes one want to come and listen further.

In terms of writing, the narration was sincere and also very entertaining. Managing to just about avoid over-sentimentality, a potential trap for Christmas specials and films. The story is cute and immensely charming with some poignancy too, while also having a subtle energy. All without being too sugary or twee. The two lead characters are extremely endearing and impossible to not root for.

Overall, wonderful. 10/10.
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